Policies and Procedures
All of our Policies and Procedures are available to view as a PDF, please choose from the list below.
Please note: All policies are applicable to students attending Rosewood Independent School and Total Tuition Alternative Provision on the Rosewood site.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024_2025.docx
Rosewood Accessibility Plan 24-25.docx
24-26 Anti-Bullying and Anti-Peer on Peer (child on child) Abuse Policy.docx
24-26 Anti-weapon and knife guidance.docx
24-26 Assessment Policy and procedures.docx
24-25 Policy for a Consistent Approach to Behaviour.docx
24-26 Careers Guidance Policy.docx
24-26 Complaint child friendly.docx
24-25 Complaints Procedure for Parents_ Carers.docx
24-25 Confidentiality policy.docx
24-26 Creative Arts Policy.docx
24-26 Diversity and Inclusion Policy.docx
24-26 Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco Education Policy.docx
24-26 Equality and Community Cohesion Policy.docx
24-25 Exclusion and Suspension Policy.docx
GDPR Data Subject Rights 24-26.docx
24-26 Health and Safety Policy.docx
Health and Safety Policy for Students 22-23
24-26 Information sharing policy.docx
24-27 Intimate Care Policy.docx
24-26 Marking and Presentation Guidelines.docx
23- 24 Mathematics Policy.docx (1)
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Policy 22-23
Monitoring and evaluation policy 23-24
24-26 Positive Handling Policy.docx
24-26 Prescribed medication policy
24-26 Tackling Bullying- Guidance for Staff.docx
24-26 Record management policy.docx
24-25 Remote learning policy.docx
24-26 Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy.docx
Staff Disciplinary and Grievance Policies can be found within the Staff Handbook, which all staff sign on commencement of their position.
The Northumberland LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer for Safeguarding) can be contacted by email at [email protected] or by telephone on
01670 623979.